Wednesday, 26 June 2013

The Manifestation Of Nuit

The Manifestation of Nuit  

In Platos Timeus, There is a story of Solon's visit to a district in Egypt called Sais, where citizens define their Goddess and Foundress as the great Nuit.  Solon equated Nuit to the Hellenes Athena. One of the great priests of Sais said to Solon of the Hellenes 'There is not an Old Man among you' , that in mind they were all young as they had no ancient tradition or science passed to them through the ages. The priest told Solon that the Hellenes story of Helios riding a Chariot, struck down by Zeus, really signifies a declination of the bodies moving through the Heavens and the Earth. And a great conflagration of things upon the Earth, which recurs after long intervals.

 Cycle of Birth, Death, and Rebirth.

Nuit, the lady of the Stars, is the Soul and Heavens itself. She is the splendour of Rebirth, of Manifestation......the Joy and Ecstasy of certainty, rather than faith.
She is the Freedom and Liberty of Nature, She is the Unbridled Soul free from the confines of its Shadow. Nuit
 is Liberty and Sublime Ecstasy.


Life, is Continuous. The Soul is Immortal. We are the disintegration which feeds our own birth. At our older age, the Universal Womb smiles, waiting for us to return.
We are Continuous.
The feathers and disintegration of the past life, breaks down and feeds the new spark of existence, the new Birth.

The Ecstasy of life, our soul as a child

Whitening, the awakening.

Nuith Dancing in her divine Manifestation.

From The Book of the Law by Aliester Crowley, Some Wisdom From the Manifestation of Nuit;

Every man and every woman is a star.
Come forth, o children, under the stars, & take your fill of love!
 I am above you and in you. My ecstasy is in yours. My joy is to see your joy.

But ecstasy be thine and joy of earth: ever To me! To me!
 I give unimaginable joys on earth: certainty, not faith, while in life, upon death; peace unutterable, rest, ecstasy; nor do I demand aught in sacrifice.
 I love you! I yearn to you! Pale or purple, veiled or voluptuous, I who am all pleasure and purple, and drunkenness of the innermost sense, desire you. Put on the wings, and arouse the coiled splendour within you: come unto me!
Sing the rapturous love-song unto me! Burn to me perfumes! Wear to me jewels! Drink to me, for I love you! I love you!
 I am the blue-lidded daughter of Sunset; I am the naked brilliance of the voluptuous night-sky.

 To me! To me!

-From The Book of the Law (Liber Al Vel Legis) By Aliester Crowley
The Manifestation of Nuit

Transition of Life

Our eternal divinity, cycle of rebirth, we are continuous

 Star Sign Scorpio
Letter NUN.

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