Wednesday, 26 June 2013

The Manifestation Of Nuit

The Manifestation of Nuit  

In Platos Timeus, There is a story of Solon's visit to a district in Egypt called Sais, where citizens define their Goddess and Foundress as the great Nuit.  Solon equated Nuit to the Hellenes Athena. One of the great priests of Sais said to Solon of the Hellenes 'There is not an Old Man among you' , that in mind they were all young as they had no ancient tradition or science passed to them through the ages. The priest told Solon that the Hellenes story of Helios riding a Chariot, struck down by Zeus, really signifies a declination of the bodies moving through the Heavens and the Earth. And a great conflagration of things upon the Earth, which recurs after long intervals.

 Cycle of Birth, Death, and Rebirth.

Nuit, the lady of the Stars, is the Soul and Heavens itself. She is the splendour of Rebirth, of Manifestation......the Joy and Ecstasy of certainty, rather than faith.
She is the Freedom and Liberty of Nature, She is the Unbridled Soul free from the confines of its Shadow. Nuit
 is Liberty and Sublime Ecstasy.


Life, is Continuous. The Soul is Immortal. We are the disintegration which feeds our own birth. At our older age, the Universal Womb smiles, waiting for us to return.
We are Continuous.
The feathers and disintegration of the past life, breaks down and feeds the new spark of existence, the new Birth.

The Ecstasy of life, our soul as a child

Whitening, the awakening.

Nuith Dancing in her divine Manifestation.

From The Book of the Law by Aliester Crowley, Some Wisdom From the Manifestation of Nuit;

Every man and every woman is a star.
Come forth, o children, under the stars, & take your fill of love!
 I am above you and in you. My ecstasy is in yours. My joy is to see your joy.

But ecstasy be thine and joy of earth: ever To me! To me!
 I give unimaginable joys on earth: certainty, not faith, while in life, upon death; peace unutterable, rest, ecstasy; nor do I demand aught in sacrifice.
 I love you! I yearn to you! Pale or purple, veiled or voluptuous, I who am all pleasure and purple, and drunkenness of the innermost sense, desire you. Put on the wings, and arouse the coiled splendour within you: come unto me!
Sing the rapturous love-song unto me! Burn to me perfumes! Wear to me jewels! Drink to me, for I love you! I love you!
 I am the blue-lidded daughter of Sunset; I am the naked brilliance of the voluptuous night-sky.

 To me! To me!

-From The Book of the Law (Liber Al Vel Legis) By Aliester Crowley
The Manifestation of Nuit

Transition of Life

Our eternal divinity, cycle of rebirth, we are continuous

 Star Sign Scorpio
Letter NUN.

Sapphire Frater  ©

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Gaia's Ark 

Even In a House Of Mirrors, you can see that everything has a Soul.

Life always finds a way......
Yesh-Me Ayin, We came from nothingness.
The Earth was formed from nothingness, according to Hesoids Theogony, we came from Chaos, an abyss....
And according to Hindu belief, from vast nothingness came an infinite OM....

From the Most hardest of Substances, particles of Life are formed. From a seemingly endless void, A divine Spark of Life.........Nature shows that life is continuous, it only dies to replenish and give birth to Live and Grow again. The Earth itself has DNA memory, and can reproduce what it has produced before. We are part of a Collective, World Soul, and Anima Mundi..... 
We are all interconnected, part of the same Divine Spark, Life Force. And our Single DNA, Soul is remembered.


Kundalini energy, isn't empathetic to Vices or Pacifiers. No matter what you are suffering, it will not let you continue to Pacify with addiction. Kundalini Awakening is an extremely Raw, and Sober Awakening. It leaves no room for excuses, ignorance, illusions, but Intense Hyper- Awareness. Liberation from Illusion.

We living Souls, Communicate much greater than Speech, we communicate by actions, facial expressions, or sometimes, just with the Eyes.
We communicate well beyond mere speech. We are evolved well beyond that.
Love, is the only Reality. The only thing that's Real.
Love cannot be rationalised, it is beyond the minds rationality and is a law of its own. It IS Reality.
This is something that connects us to all living creatures, Love is not discriminate or selective, Love is ALL.
We communicate with Animals Frequently, with this deeper part of our Soul.
We are all connected.
Even in a House of Mirrors, we can see that all of us have a soul. Even in the depths of illusion, we can experience that Love is beyond Aesthetics.

We can fool the Conscious mind with anything, but the Subconscious mind is never Fooled. There will always be division and duality until the consciousness is wed into One.

The Peacock- The Infinite EYE. We can see the world through an Ayin Hara or an Ayin Tova, a Evil or Good Eye. This painting is the Awakening of the Ajna Chakra, The Third Eye.

The Same Divine Soul, in different heavenly bodies and manifestations

We fear both Death and Birth, but really they are the same thing, the Unknown.
In Nature there is infinite ending, and infinite beginning

Star Sign Capricorn
The Devil
Letter Ayin

The waking of the Third Eye.

I painted my friend Kristy Howden as my Goddess Gaia.

Sapphire Frater © 

Artemis and Endymion 

The Stages of Muraquba....Are the Levels of Meditation between Sleep and Awake. Endymion dreamed a dream so vivid, he entered into that realm in waking, and the dream became his waking.
Endymion woke in the realm of the Moon, and her passionate embrace.

So dear a picture of his sovereign power,
And I could witness his most kingly hour,
When he doth lighten up the golden reins,
And paces leisurely down amber plains
His snorting four. Now when his chariot last
Its beams against the zodiac-lion cast,
There blossom’d suddenly a magic bed
John Keats- Endymion

A thing of beauty is a joy for ever:
Its lovliness increases; it will never
Pass into nothingness; but still will keep
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep
Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing.
John Keats- Endymion

Nor knew that nests were built. Now a soft kiss—
Aye, by that kiss, I vow an endless bliss,
An immortality of passion's thine:
Ere long I will exalt thee to the shine
Of heaven ambrosial; and we will shade
Ourselves whole summers by a river glade;
And I will tell thee stories of the sky,
And breathe thee whispers of its minstrelsy.
My happy love will overwing all bounds!
O let me melt into thee; let the sounds
Of our close voices marry at their birth;
Let us entwine hoveringly — O dearth
Of human words! roughness of mortal speech!
John Keats- Endymion

The Tantric Pearl, On an Oyster Bed

Star sign Cancer
 The Chariot 
Letter Chet.

Lo! while slow carried through the pitying crowd,
To his inward senses these words spake aloud;
Written in star-light on the dark above:
"Dearest Endymion! my entire love!
How have I dwelt in fear of fate: 'tis done—
Immortal bliss for me too hast thou won.
Arise then! for the hen-dove shall not hatch
Her ready eggs, before I'll kissing snatch
Thee into endless heaven. Awake! awake!"
John Keats- Endymion

Sapphire Frater ©

Eve's Divine Comedy 

In the Divine Comedy, Adam and Eve were in Purgatory. In my Depiction, much like Dante and Beatrice, they are Ascending.

In Paradiso, The First Sphere of Heaven is The Moon.
 Sphere of the inconstant.

Above Eve is The 8th Sphere, the 'Sphere of the Fixed Stars'....Hope Faith and Love. For the 8th Sphere of fixed stars,  The Constellation Gemini- Pollux and Castor. The Twins.

In the window is Jupiter, the Sixth Sphere, the Sphere of those whom personified Justice.

                                                                    Musica Universala

Each celestial body, in fact each and every atom, produces a particular sound on account of its movement, its rhythm or vibration. All these sounds and vibrations form a universal harmony in which each element, while having it’s own function and character, contributes to the whole." (Pythagoras)

Music of the Spheres....Sheets of Music fall from the Organ, which become tree leaves, music of life, nature. Each is a sheet of Music from The planets by Holtz. Mercury- The Winged Messenger, Mars- the war bringer, Venus- the bringer of Peace, Jupiter- the Bringer of Jollity, Saturn- the Bringer of Old Age, Neptune- The Mystic and Uranus- the Magician.

The Abraxas.

The Center planet above is Mercury, the Second Sphere in the Divine Comedy. The Sphere of the Ambitious, and Ruler of Gemini.
The planets below are Uranus and Saturn.
                                        Saturn is the Seventh Sphere, the Sphere of Temperance.

 In Alchemy, the Sun and Moons Marriage is united under Mercury, it becomes One.

In Paradiso, the Fourth Sphere of Heaven- The Sun.
 Sphere of the Wise.

Above Adam is the other half of the 8th Sphere of fixed stars, and half of the constellation Gemini, the brother Castor.

The small planet in the window is Neptune, My favourite planet, and above in the top right hand is Mars, the Fifth Sphere. The Sphere of Fortitude.

The Lovers, A Love that holds Hands from the Depths of Hell to the Heights of the Heavens.
In the Divine Comedy, Beatrice is A guide to Dante, Like a higher aspect of his soul.

Between Adam and Eve, in the opening gate, is the Planet Venus, The Third Sphere. The Sphere of The Lovers.

The Garden Of Eden

The Fallen State of Adam.

Dante's rings of the Inferno.

 Star Sign Gemini
 The Lovers
Letter Zayin

The Fallen state of Eve.

The rising of Kundalini, from the base of the spine to the crown, is like Eves ascent back towards Adam- (or Adams ascent back to Eve ) . The fallen state is Our soul in its putrefied form. The Lead to be transmuted into Gold.
In Tantra, it is the Ascent of Shakti (At the Base of the spine) To her Lover Shiva (At the Crown) The marriage of each is illuminated consciousness- Liberty.
The lower and higher aspects are either sexuality, meaning the rise is of Masculine to fem, or feminine to masc. For Dante, his guide, and higher soul, was feminine; Beatrice.

But now was turning my desire and will,
Even as a wheel that equally is moved,
The Love which moves the Sun and the other Stars.
~ Dante, Paradiso, last line in the Divine Comedy

I painted my Brother Dylan Swanson, and Alyssia Swanson as my Adam and Eve.

Sapphire Frater ©

      The Madonna's Marriage  

                        Alchemical Wedding.                     

                  Spiritual Retreat, Solitude, Liberation of Being, Illumination.


White Rose and Womb of the Divine Mother.

Behind the Madonna, is a crow, initial stage of Putrification.

 Alchemical Transmutation;
Peacock, and Pelican.

 Eternal Phoenix
The Infinite

The Hebrew Word for Fire is Esh
It is the Divine Mother Kundalini.
 The Fire in our Bodies, Divine Light, Life Force itself.

Nephesh Chaiah

Fire is the Force of the Shekinah, Divine Mother. The Goddess herself is an illuminate flame.

Esh is spelt Aleph- Shin, Aleph is the Air, and Shin the Fire, together become Esh.  The Kundalini
 Fire and Air Underwater (Creation, Divine Life forming in the Womb)

The Swan.

  Star Sign Virgo
 The Hermit 
Letter Yod.

Rose Ship.

I painted my Grandmother Edna Frater as my Madonna.

Sapphire Frater ©