Eve's Divine Comedy
In the Divine Comedy, Adam and Eve were in Purgatory. In my Depiction, much like Dante and Beatrice, they are Ascending.
In Paradiso, The First Sphere of Heaven is The Moon.
Sphere of the inconstant.
Above Eve is The 8th Sphere, the 'Sphere of the Fixed Stars'....Hope Faith and Love. For the 8th Sphere of fixed stars, The Constellation Gemini- Pollux and Castor. The Twins.
In the window is Jupiter, the Sixth Sphere, the Sphere of those whom personified Justice.
Musica Universala
Each celestial body, in fact each and every atom, produces a particular sound on account of its movement, its rhythm or vibration. All these sounds and vibrations form a universal harmony in which each element, while having it’s own function and character, contributes to the whole." (Pythagoras)
Music of the Spheres....Sheets of Music fall from the Organ, which become tree leaves, music of life, nature. Each is a sheet of Music from The planets by Holtz. Mercury- The Winged Messenger, Mars- the war bringer, Venus- the bringer of Peace, Jupiter- the Bringer of Jollity, Saturn- the Bringer of Old Age, Neptune- The Mystic and Uranus- the Magician.
The Abraxas.
The Center planet above is Mercury, the Second Sphere in the Divine Comedy. The Sphere of the Ambitious, and Ruler of Gemini.
The planets below are Uranus and Saturn.
Saturn is the Seventh Sphere, the Sphere of Temperance.
In Alchemy, the Sun and Moons Marriage is united under Mercury, it becomes One.
In Paradiso, the Fourth Sphere of Heaven- The Sun.
Sphere of the Wise.
Above Adam is the other half of the 8th Sphere of fixed stars, and half of the constellation Gemini, the brother Castor.
The small planet in the window is Neptune, My favourite planet, and above in the top right hand is Mars, the Fifth Sphere. The Sphere of Fortitude.
The Lovers, A Love that holds Hands from the Depths of Hell to the Heights of the Heavens.
In the Divine Comedy, Beatrice is A guide to Dante, Like a higher aspect of his soul.
Between Adam and Eve, in the opening gate, is the Planet Venus, The Third Sphere. The Sphere of The Lovers.
The Garden Of Eden
The Fallen State of Adam.
Dante's rings of the Inferno.
Star Sign Gemini
The Lovers
Letter Zayin
Letter Zayin
The Fallen state of Eve.
The rising of Kundalini, from the base of the spine to the crown, is like Eves ascent back towards Adam- (or Adams ascent back to Eve ) . The fallen state is Our soul in its putrefied form. The Lead to be transmuted into Gold.
In Tantra, it is the Ascent of Shakti (At the Base of the spine) To her Lover Shiva (At the Crown) The marriage of each is illuminated consciousness- Liberty.
The lower and higher aspects are either sexuality, meaning the rise is of Masculine to fem, or feminine to masc. For Dante, his guide, and higher soul, was feminine; Beatrice.
But now was turning my desire and will,
Even as a wheel that equally is moved,
The Love which moves the Sun and the other Stars.
~ Dante, Paradiso, last line in the Divine Comedy
I painted my Brother Dylan Swanson, and Alyssia Swanson as my Adam and Eve.
Sapphire Frater ©
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