Metamorphosis of the Ipsissimus
(Logos Sophia)
The Empress
Metamorphosis of the Ipsissimus
Logos Mother and Child, Logos Father and Logos Son,
In water, fire and earth, in their nourished unity
Logos Mother and Child, Logos Father, Logos Son,
Logos Tetragrammaton
There is no longer illusion of Choice,
when wed with a Logos Vision and Voice.
When Logos bestows the soul kiss of Eros
the virgin kissed is a new born Logos
The new Logos is born, in a great grid of Matter,
lights shadows away whose dimensions are flatter
'A Painter, a Poet, a Magician, a Priest!
A new Logos with the heads of an Infinite Beast!'
'This isn't the End my dear Meta-physicist...
a metamorphosis, Annunciation of the Ipsissimus!'
In her heart Burns a Furnace, although she remembers,
Where now Roars a fire, once whispered Embers.
To illuminate a dark Ego, with a feigned Ethos,
a metamorphosis, Annunciation of the Ipsissimus!'
In her heart Burns a Furnace, although she remembers,
Where now Roars a fire, once whispered Embers.
To illuminate a dark Ego, with a feigned Ethos,
a shadow to her like a Narcissists Echo.
Ego tried to siren her into its slaving,
The Mask of an Angel, its shadow a raven
Beat the Ego with Love, the Logos implored
Starve it! Ego cannot bear to be ignored
As you deprave it, it falls apart,
Now you are dealing only with the Human Heart
Logos spoke to the Mask as it trembled with fear
Disrobe Ego, only Love lives here.
Ablaze like a Phoenix, speaking the Words,
Play with Hearts fires, you will get Burnt.
Play with Hearts fires, you will get Burnt.
The Ego like Ashes,
The Logos Alight,
Like a Augoeides,
Lantern, in the souls darkest night
The Logos saved Ipsissimus from Egos Disasters,
'It indeed appear'd to Reason as if Desire was cast out; but the Devil's account is, that the Messiah fell, and formed a Heaven of what he stole from the Abyss'
William Blake- The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
Pi reveals itself in the Soul. Enlightenment doesn't begin in the Mind, for the mind can be deceived by Ego.
'Prajna'- is the 'light that first must be ignited in the heart'. Enlightenment begins in the Heart.
The EGO detaches JOY and
LOVE from the actual experience, FEELING of Joy and Love, and
intellectualizes them completely, until they are not longer really Felt
or experienced.
The Ego is in the Mind. It is an extreme intelligence, so cannot be Mastered intellectually, by any kind of Mental Wisdom.
Love, and Joy, are an emotion which come from the heart. Pleasure and experience of Love and Joy, are a realm in which the Ego loses its Mastery, loses its power, as Ego cannot feign REAL BLISS, Real contentment, real Nirvana, so the language of Pleasure, or lack thereof, is the Mastery over Ego.
False pleasures, such as vices, addictions, don't actually make people illuminate with Joy. People misunderstand Happiness, as they are in the habit of intellectualizing happiness. So they will cling to Desire, things that they believe will make them happy, without the actual experience of Happiness. They are attached to Desires, as opposed to Love. Ego is desire, and desire is hollow. False pleasure. A concept of pleasure rather than its actual experience.
To understand the Cause of Suffering, and the cessation of suffering, is an inner understanding, leading to the complete annihilation of EGO.
Love, and Joy, are an emotion which come from the heart. Pleasure and experience of Love and Joy, are a realm in which the Ego loses its Mastery, loses its power, as Ego cannot feign REAL BLISS, Real contentment, real Nirvana, so the language of Pleasure, or lack thereof, is the Mastery over Ego.
False pleasures, such as vices, addictions, don't actually make people illuminate with Joy. People misunderstand Happiness, as they are in the habit of intellectualizing happiness. So they will cling to Desire, things that they believe will make them happy, without the actual experience of Happiness. They are attached to Desires, as opposed to Love. Ego is desire, and desire is hollow. False pleasure. A concept of pleasure rather than its actual experience.
To understand the Cause of Suffering, and the cessation of suffering, is an inner understanding, leading to the complete annihilation of EGO.
The problem with Ego, is that it doesn't come across as dark and villainous, if it did, it would be easy to identify as negative, and we would make steps to overcome it within ourselves. The Ego seems like something extremely positive, it has a way of convincing that it is moral and correct, that it is rational and reasonable. However, again, it cannot fake emotion.
Babies, begin with the language of pleasure-or lack of pleasure.
cry when they are hungry or soiled, sick, and they radiate the
most beautiful love and Joy when they are contented- fed well, playing,
see someone they love.......the language is very simple. Suffering, and
the Cessation of Suffering. Pleasure.
A new born consciousness, awakening, works in the same way. We are stripped on all assumptions on what is reasonable or rational, and are forced to understand reality only in this simplicity- suffering and what the cessation of Suffering is.
A new born consciousness, awakening, works in the same way. We are stripped on all assumptions on what is reasonable or rational, and are forced to understand reality only in this simplicity- suffering and what the cessation of Suffering is.
The language
of our Souls. Buddhists refer to Dukkha- Suffering, Samudaya- Causes of
Suffering, Nirodha- Cessation of Suffering and attainment of Nirvana, and
Magga- Path of Cessation of Suffering. Known as the Four Noble Truths.
I am not fond of Spiritual teachings or promises of future Paradise. I believe in Nirvana in this life, Paradise in this life.
I love
Freud's 'Will to Pleasure', as a driving force for human
kind, (rather than Nietzsches 'Will to Power' or Soren Kierkegaards 'Will
to meaning'........)
I was studying Freud's perspective on Will to pleasure, loving the similarity to Epicureanism.
Pleasure as a driving force for Mankind.
The Heart, the Soul, speak in Pleasure. And Lack of Pleasure.
The Heart, the Soul, speak in Pleasure. And Lack of Pleasure.
The Ego cannot feign how one Feels.
Pi, reveals itself, and unfolds, resolves itself in Nature.
As the name of God, can reveal itself
a Mother gives Birth, all kind of diagrams can be formed, all kinds of
numbers, letters, equations....but regardless of these, the Woman will
have birth as it is in her nature to do so, nature unfolds itself.
The Name, of God, could only reveal itself in the Heart..... in the experience of Nirvana, a language beyond Ego.
All these amazing formulas, numbers, contend with the shadow of Ego in the mind, and God is dimension above Ego.
We cannot experience God, as a simple intellect. It is a language of Nirvana.
This Force, like Nature, unfolds and reveals itself without having to decipher Equations..... I have respect for the Human Being that existed as Jesus Christ, But, believe he is only one of many many prophets, and one of many many manifestations, of a multidimensional and multimanifestational Logos.
He was one of many many Logos.
Above, is representation of Written Logos. And a music Box.
Some of It reads 'She ain't cut out for this Business, more fitted to the clasp on a shiny ring/ I raised my fist and he hurridly jumped back, the Porquswine Prods/ Re; My Washbow/ Noises in the Churchyard, dispelled barbarism I have known for some time/ Miss Manners/ But in Vain but in Vain/ Then I saw through the painting, Noises in the Churchyard rang more liberties than I did/ May it all be so easy, I muttered under my breath, Roll out the Maps.............'
The Illuminated frame of the Painting, represents Chymical Rise and Fall
The Bottom Center is a Dark Kundalini- representing Saturn.
People talk so casually about Kundalini, but it is anything but casual.
Its initial awakening is very, very extreme. It is given the name 'Kimespai'- which translates to 'Never allowing one to sleep in peace'
That which is 'Never allowing one to sleep in peace'
manifests in seemingly severe ways. Such as Sensations of intense burning heat
like Fire, and extreme cold like ice, very unpleasant sensations up the
spine.......nights of constant burning hot sweats, wed with freezing cold shivers..... allowing no rest.
It is a temporary process. Wearing the 'student' down.
It is a temporary process. Wearing the 'student' down.
One cannot handle higher levels of consciousness with a polluted body. With Kundalini, one needs purity. A great Purification. Mind, Body, Soul. This seems extreme to Ego, and often people mistake their identity for Ego. So one feels Kundalini is adverse to ones identity.
And it initially causes great unrest.
The bottom Left of the Frame, is the Kundalini like George and the Dragon, it represents Mars.
The Illuminated Frame, Left center is Mercury
Top left is Venus
Nature is dualistic, it has its blessings and curses. Moderation is Freedom, excess is destructive.
to Nourish, is in its most severe excess, dangerous flooding, tsunamis.
Fire is warmth, but destructive at its extreme. All of the elements have
their blessing and temperance, and their destructive extremes.
The same applies for our nature, Human nature.
beings shouldn't live in excess, when people live impoverished. It isn't a reasonable sense of
Paradise and hell, are here. Any spiritual concept or idea of Hell, should not delude people with fear, obscuring the hell that is here, manifest on earth. The hell that we can change.
People live in poverty, all kinds of horrific conditions, while others live in absolute excess.
Hell is manifest on earth. Hell is spiritual, mental, and physical
Spiritual fear of an invisible hell, should not take away peoples responsibility and conscience to see reality and do something about the Hell that we can see, and can change.
Many people have excused themselves from Moral Responsibility, in the name of God.
It is detachment from reality.
On the Illuminated Border from top left to top right Venus, The Moon, The Sun.
I had an experience in Florence, Firenze....
I had an experience in Florence, Firenze....
was seeing these masks of illusion, that great darkness, wore such
beautiful masks, and sometimes light needs to wear a dark mask.
Love isn't just passive, it can be fierce, like a Mothers love for their child. Sometimes Love needs a dark mask.
has not Mastered over Ego, without the awareness and mastery over the
role of other peoples Ego in ones life. Egos will enter again and again,
with illusions, deception, excuses....If one cannot Master over the Ego
that other people project in their life, and the role of that Ego in
their existence, then one has not mastered over Ego.
Mastery over Ego, includes the wisdom in dealing with others Egos.
fertility and Mirth of Love, over the barren suffering of Desire. Ones
reality is a choice, and the role others play in your reality is also a
choice. When you lose attachment to desire, and others desire, the
positive people, elements in your life are strengthened, and the role
that negative people and elements play in your life are weakened, until
they no longer have any effect.
Florence is such a captivating, beautiful place. I had many Visions there.
In the Illuminated Border on the top right, is the Sun, then center right is Jupiter.
At the bottom right, is the Phoenix.
Around the Border are the Alchemical Birds;
Crow, Raven of Putrification
Swan of Purification, Whitening
Peacock- Once the Soul and Body are washed, purified, then the Chakas, Colours are Liberated. The great Peace of Purification, becomes the Ecstasy of a Chakra Dance
Pelican- Soul as both Mother and Child, the Power of Creation, creativity. In the personal Great Work, one now Contributes in the collective Great Work. Microcosm Macrocosm.
And Phoenix is The Infinite Eternal All. One Masters energy for Destruction, Disconnection, and Creation, Connection. That which is not Love, is burnt up.
The Golden Goat Head Mask
My painting depicts the EXEGESIS OF THE SOUL. Some of which is detailed in the Nag Hammadi Scriptures
Pistis Sophia
13 Repentances of Sophia, and the 13 Aeons, are like
the Kabbalah tree of Life.Malkuth to Kether being the first 10 Aeons. Ain Soph Aur, Ain Soph, and Ain, as the 11th to 13th Aeons.
The fall and repentance of Sophia, as depicted in Pistis Sophia, is like the fall into Klipot, and rise through the tree of life.
I am also in this painting, greatly inspired by Phantom
of the Opera and Gilbert and Sullivan's Opera the 'Mikado', also
Nietzsche's MASKS.
The 'New Philosopher' or 'Free Spirit', often wear masks to disguise their true nature. The free spirits shun Dogmatism, and embrace the hardships of independence of mind and spirit' According to Nietzsche.
Some people don't naturally feel congruent in collectively defined reality, and can either be oppressed and inhibited by it, or embrace what makes them in-congruent. Run with their passion, liberty, rather than oppress themselves in a paradigm of the collective, that they are naturally discordant in.
Like Nietzsche's 'Free Spirit', or, 'New Philosopher'.
One Law for the Lion and Ox is Oppression. -William Blake, Marriage of Heaven and Hell
Non Servaim- I Will Not Serve
Metamorphosis of Sophia.
Higher Consciousness, is like having a three dimensional cube as this dimension, as a box.
reaching into the box, and pushing out the other side of the
box, pushing yourself through to the next dimension.
As you
pull back through the Box, the box collapses to a flat dimension, as
though it has now become a flat shadow of the new experienced dimension.The Consciousness doesn't go backwards, if it returns to old attachments and Vices, it 'Falls'.
The illuminated mind is conscious and aware. Turning back to old vices is madness because it is consciously choosing illusions, that it has been liberated from. Aware it is an illusion.
The consciousness Falls, it suffers.
Hebrew letter VAV, is a connection, a connection or bridge between the
higher and lower dimension. VAV is 6, like a six sided cube, box.....
I perceive the greatest dimension as
higher dimension of Light. A higher Octave of Light itself, higher than
mundanely perceived light.
Time is an illusionary measure. It could have been invented as longer measures, or shorter, it is a mechanical created illusion.
As Einstien perceived time as Relative, with no concrete boundaries. There is no real measure, its boundless, relative.
We are living, until our last breath. we do not Decay, until we are dead. We are living, not dying.
Time is perception.
People judge the darker side of the Occult, but often someone who has
really suffered, will never relate to the more blatant, seemingly
positive paths.
Some people who have really suffered great severe trauma or grief, don't relate to talk of 'God is Love' unless they have been raised religious. The darker side, often offers a more earthy based, evidence based faith, as opposed to blind faith. And people who have experienced the darker side of life, relate to the darker side. Often it is a sheep in Wolves clothing- Love and liberty, veiled in the darkest mysteries of the Occult.
And likewise, the lighter path, is often a surface appearance, and not so light in Essence.
People need a door which is relatable for them. The darkest occultists, have helped a lot of people in this way, by presenting people with a door they can relate to. 'God is Good' seems almost sardonic to someone who has really suffered, or who feels the darker aspects of life.
Sometimes the sheep is in the wolfs clothing.
I give unimaginable Joys on Earth: certainty, not faith, while in life, upon death; peace unutterable, rest, ecstasy; nor do I demand aught in sacrifice. - Nuit, Liber Al Vel Legis, Aliester Crowley.
Above Sophia, her Augoeides- Luminous Body, Logos, Tetragrammaton. Letters, Words, Numbers, Formulas, are in all of creation, a living Logos in people, and in everything.
Soul Men will in a manner clasp to God herself. Having nothing mortal,
she is wholly inebriated by God, for she glories in the Harmony under
which the mortal body exists.
Having mingled the vital spark from two according substances- Mind and Divine Spirit, as a third to these he added Holy Love, the venerable Charioteer uniting all things'
From The Chaldean Oracles.....It makes me think of Freud's Ego, Id and SuperEgo, the Heart being ID.
People fear Love, because they fear being depraved, but that is because people confuse their identity with Ego. It is the Ego that serves vice. Its the Ego that serves Desire.
Ridding ones self of Attachment, is absolute enlightened freedom disguised as deprivation.
Some people who have really suffered great severe trauma or grief, don't relate to talk of 'God is Love' unless they have been raised religious. The darker side, often offers a more earthy based, evidence based faith, as opposed to blind faith. And people who have experienced the darker side of life, relate to the darker side. Often it is a sheep in Wolves clothing- Love and liberty, veiled in the darkest mysteries of the Occult.
And likewise, the lighter path, is often a surface appearance, and not so light in Essence.
People need a door which is relatable for them. The darkest occultists, have helped a lot of people in this way, by presenting people with a door they can relate to. 'God is Good' seems almost sardonic to someone who has really suffered, or who feels the darker aspects of life.
Sometimes the sheep is in the wolfs clothing.
I give unimaginable Joys on Earth: certainty, not faith, while in life, upon death; peace unutterable, rest, ecstasy; nor do I demand aught in sacrifice. - Nuit, Liber Al Vel Legis, Aliester Crowley.
Above Sophia, her Augoeides- Luminous Body, Logos, Tetragrammaton. Letters, Words, Numbers, Formulas, are in all of creation, a living Logos in people, and in everything.
At times I see everything as particles of Prana, of atoms. I look at structures of things, and see them only as particles.
Like a car in a parking lot, its dimension, the Structure, the light, and surrounding shadow....
And then the structure, and light itself as particles, prana or energy.
Everything can be coagulated as particles, like time and space.
then I started to see everything in terms of their equations, numbers. I
walk in nature a lot, and see all of the trees, everything, these
beautiful rhythmical numbers, formulas, equations, so beautiful......and
then these equations became letters, Hebrew Letters.
Then I
see everything like a great grid of 'Matter', and within the grid, all
of these tiny particles, these equations, these letters......It gives me
a great ecstasy.
Max Planck said 'As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of Matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much; there is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the Atom together. We must assume by this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the Matrix of all Matter'.
I was very happy to discover
Max Planks work.Max Planck said 'As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of Matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much; there is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the Atom together. We must assume by this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the Matrix of all Matter'.
Having mingled the vital spark from two according substances- Mind and Divine Spirit, as a third to these he added Holy Love, the venerable Charioteer uniting all things'
From The Chaldean Oracles.....It makes me think of Freud's Ego, Id and SuperEgo, the Heart being ID.
People fear Love, because they fear being depraved, but that is because people confuse their identity with Ego. It is the Ego that serves vice. Its the Ego that serves Desire.
Ridding ones self of Attachment, is absolute enlightened freedom disguised as deprivation.
Process of Purification, Illumination, and Perfection.
This painting depicts birth, like an annunciation of life.
The Annunciation of Sophia the Logos.
It is the moment, the point, that it ceases to be death, the pain of death ceases, and is replaced by the mirth of being born. .
For example,
a Dalet- or Poor Man, who has lost all of his possessions, income,
vanities desires..... The Psyche goes through a kind of Meta-physical
Death. As one often falls into habits of identifying success with
possession, with ones job, with ones finances, how they look..... When we are stripped of all these things, it causes a kind of 'Crisis'.
But through that death, that upheaval, one begins to feel more richly
than before. Like you find your soul again, and are liberated from
illusions. A birth.
One often lives in a life that they aren't
actually happy in, a crises can sometimes force necessary change. And
rarely when people are comfortable, they master over Ego. Its usually
through great upheaval, and completely loosing attachment to materialism
and an illusionary identity.
The Logos, is Multifaceted, Multidimensional, multi- manifestational. It is in everything, like Prana or Atoms.
'And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the Music'- Friedrich Nietzsche
'The only difference between me and a Madman is that I am not Mad'-
Salvador Dali
Metamorphosis of the Ipsissimus
(Logos Sophia)
The Empress
Magna Mater
© Sapphire Frater
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