Gaia's Ark
Even In a House Of Mirrors, you can see that everything has a Soul.
Life always finds a way......
Yesh-Me Ayin, We came from nothingness.
The Earth was formed from nothingness, according to Hesoids Theogony, we came from Chaos, an abyss....
And according to Hindu belief, from vast nothingness came an infinite OM....
From the Most hardest of Substances, particles of Life are formed. From a seemingly endless void, A divine Spark of Life.........Nature shows that life is continuous, it only dies to replenish and give birth to Live and Grow again. The Earth itself has DNA memory, and can reproduce what it has produced before. We are part of a Collective, World Soul, and Anima Mundi.....
We are all interconnected, part of the same Divine Spark, Life Force. And our Single DNA, Soul is remembered.
Kundalini energy, isn't empathetic to Vices or Pacifiers. No matter what you are suffering, it will not let you continue to Pacify with addiction. Kundalini Awakening is an extremely Raw, and Sober Awakening. It leaves no room for excuses, ignorance, illusions, but Intense Hyper- Awareness. Liberation from Illusion.
We living Souls, Communicate much greater than Speech, we communicate by actions, facial expressions, or sometimes, just with the Eyes.
We communicate well beyond mere speech. We are evolved well beyond that.
Love, is the only Reality. The only thing that's Real.
Love cannot be rationalised, it is beyond the minds rationality and is a law of its own. It IS Reality.
This is something that connects us to all living creatures, Love is not discriminate or selective, Love is ALL.
We communicate with Animals Frequently, with this deeper part of our Soul.
We are all connected.
Even in a House of Mirrors, we can see that all of us have a soul. Even in the depths of illusion, we can experience that Love is beyond Aesthetics.
We can fool the Conscious mind with anything, but the Subconscious mind is never Fooled. There will always be division and duality until the consciousness is wed into One.
The Peacock- The Infinite EYE. We can see the world through an Ayin Hara or an Ayin Tova, a Evil or Good Eye. This painting is the Awakening of the Ajna Chakra, The Third Eye.
The Same Divine Soul, in different heavenly bodies and manifestations
We fear both Death and Birth, but really they are the same thing, the Unknown.
In Nature there is infinite ending, and infinite beginning
Star Sign Capricorn
The Devil
Letter Ayin
The waking of the Third Eye.
I painted my friend Kristy Howden as my Goddess Gaia.
Sapphire Frater ©