Thursday, 21 March 2013

Cere's Son 

The Eleusinian Mysteries.

Goddess Ceres and her Daughter Persephone.
 The cycle of Rebirth, and Seasons of Celebration.

Flowing from Ceres Cup, is Honey, which weds with Milk pouring from a Cow in the clouds.
The Land of Milk and Honey.

Ceres and Her Daughter Persephone.

The Summer Triangle;
The Constellations Cygnus (Swan), Aquila (Eagle) And Lyra (Vulture).

 In Qixi, Chinese Magpie Festival, The Stars Vega and Altair (From the Constellations Lyra and Aquila) are Lovers separated by the Milky way flowing between them. Magpies form a bridge so the Lovers can reunite and embrace.

Above forming the Milky way is the Sacred Cow Hathor.
 In parts of China, cows were released if they cried before slaughter, as they couldn't kill an animal that showed human emotion.
Hindus believe both the Cow and Bull are Sacred...and Devi- Goddesses, live inside cows.
Shivas bull Nandi, drank poison intended for Shiva, which is why the throat chakra is blue.
Cows are thought of to be creatures that just Give, like great Mothers.
Hari Krishnas share the same belief.
Cows are beautiful, Divine Creatures. Great Mothers.

At the bottom of the window, are statues of Persephone, and a Bull cracking out of China.

Star Sign Taurus
 The Heirophant, 
Letter Vav.

Ceres Son, Born of Milk and Honey.

My Beautiful Mother Erin Swanson is painted as my Ceres.

Sapphire Frater ©

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